Academic writing can take on many forms, not necessarily just a paper. Whether it is a powerpoint, video, google slide, prezi or other tool to present the findings of your research, you must cite all your information. The purpose of citation is "provide the information that a enables a curious reader, viewer, or other user to track down your sources and giving credit to those whose work influenced yours" (MLA 128).
MLA suggests a brief citation on each slide for each of the borrowed items. This includes pictures, video, paraphrases, charts, graphs or other borrowed work. Your final slide should include a Works-Cited list and depending on who you are presenting to, you may wish to offer printed copies of your works-cited list or your audience.
MLA suggests that you overlay text at the bottom of the screen to provide views with a brief information about what they are seeing. Include full documentation on your closing credits.
MLA recommends that you provide a brief link able citation to the materials you cite that were found on the web and proved a Works-Cited list as an appendix or separate page of the project.