A Literary Criticism is an informed analysis and evaluation of a piece of Literature. Students will need to have read the work in detail, know about the author and the time period in order to write a successful criticism.
Please note: "Book Reviews", "Amazon Reviews", or the like are NOT considered acceptable sources.
Short Stories for Students (REF 808 SHO)
Short Story Criticism (REF 809.31 SHO)
Poetry for Students (REF 808 POE)
Guide to American Poetry Explication(REF 811.016 LEO)
Dramas for Students (REF 808 DRA)
Short Stories for Students (REF 808 SHO)
Shakespeare for Students (REF 822.3 SHA)
Crown Guide to the World's Great Plays from Ancient Greece to Modern Times (REF 809.2 SHI)
Contemporary Literary Criticism (REF 809.04 CON)
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism (REF 809 TWE)
For Students Series by Gale (Novels/Short Stories/Dramas/Epics/Shakespeare/Poetry) (REF 809)
Literature and Its Times (REF 809 LIT)
Many sources are available specifically for an Author or their work. Use the Online Library Catalog.
These sources will need the username and passwords provided for off-campus access. Username and Passwords for off-campus access are located in your ONCAMPUS page - under Groups - Library.
Literary Reference Center Plus (LRC)
Gale VRL (for Online Novels for Students and Literary Newsmakers) (Volumes 16+)
EBSCO Research Database Search
Poetry and Short Story Reference Center
*** The IPL, which has ceased after 20 years, still contains excellent criticism for major works. The URL is http://www.ipl.org/div/pf/entry/48496.
Please make sure to see BIOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH for Authors and Artists as well.
Authors and Artists for Young Adults (REF 920 AUT)
British Writers (REF 820.9 BRI)
Contemporary Authors (REF 920.03 CON)
Dictionary of Literary Biography (REF 920 DIC)
World Poets (REF 809.1 WOR)
Advanced Placement Source (database)
Many dead, popular authors have whole online collections dedicated to their works. Usually, these are housed through Special Collection Libraries. Search your author name and "special collection" or "library" to see if many of the author's works and criticisms are available.