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Clay Library: Summer Reading/Learning

Middle School and Upper School Library at FCDS

Summer Reading and Learning

The brain is always growing and as such, needs to keep growing during the summer (non-school) months. 

 Why do we need to read during the summer when we are not in school?  Reading has life long benefits that begin from the first time a book is read aloud to them. 

People who read:

1) are more empathetic

2) have expanded vocabulary

3) are more knowledgeable

4) have stronger writing skills

5) have stronger analytical skills

6) improved memory

7) improved focus and concentration

8) are better conversationalist

9) have reduced stress and increased mental health awareness and

10) are able to think more critically about information than non readers.

Support Local

Please remember to support our local independent bookstore, BookMarks for your summer book purchases!

How to Address Summer Reading

  • When children select reading materials themselves and read for enjoyment, they receive the most gains in reading achievement, including better reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, spelling, and grammatical development. Also, the longer that this free voluntary reading is practiced, the more consistent and positive the results.
  • Allowing students to choose their own reading over the summer encourages them to find books and information important to them and to help them navigate their world. 
  • Children and teens tend to read more when adults in their lives encourage them to read, and also when they see those adults reading often themselves.
  • Children that feel that reading is fun tend to read more often - thereby exhibiting the 10 benefits of true readers.
  • Reading just 4 to 6 books over the summer has the potential to prevent a decline in reading achievement scores from the spring to the fall, so even small steps are very beneficial.
  • Summer reading should be about interest and enjoyment - not levels. Choice (Independent Reading) should be based off of interest and enjoyment only.
  • Vary the reading experience - audiobooks as a family, e-Books (see our Overdrive Tab) and print books are all useful at any age.
  • Reinforcing the skills and processes learned during the school year is imperative for student success and reading through the summer builds new brain connections and strengthens current connections.