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Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Sources: Books



From Columbus to Colonial America (1492 - 1793) - Gale Virtual Reference Book  (Must have off-campus username/password to access)



 At Issue in History:  The Bill of Rights (342.73 ZAC)

Destruction and Reconstruction:  Personal Experience of the Late War 1861-1865 (973.73 TAY)

Documents of American History (REF 973 COM)

The Annals of America (REF 973 ANN)

Prosperity, Depression and War 1920 - 1945 (REF 973 AME)

Korean War:  Almanac and Primary Sources (REF 951.904 BEN)

World War I: Primary Sources (REF 940.53 WOR)

World War II: Primary Sources (REF 940.3 PEN)

Slavery throughout History: Primary Sources (REF 306.3 SLA)

We Were there, too! Young People in US History (973 HOO)

North Carolina Civil War Documentary (973.7 NOR)

A Treasury of the World's Great Letters (REF 808.86 SCH)



A History of the Third Reich (943.086 HAY)

World War I: Primary Documents(REF 940.3 PEN)

World War II: Primary Documents(REF 940.53 WOR)

A Treasury of the World's Great Letters (REF 808.86 SCH)

The 1700's (REF 909 KAL)

Our Collection

All books and library materials containing pri,mary source materials are labeled with an orange dot.